I need to retake this picture...but too lazy to do it. Another admission, I have lazy tendicies that I blame on a variety of issues including the ADD from yesterday's post. It gets blamed for a lot of things, lol!
ANYHOO - the kids are all grounded, so lots of reading has ensued. We needed some new books last night to encourage this path of reading and less resistance for mommy! So, off to books-a-million we went to pick up some more books for them all. (and Zachary really is like me and gets on a book kick and wants to read, read, read...I've always tried to have plenty of books for them to read, but the older the boys get, the HARDER it is to find books that capture and keep his attention...most books, especially required reading books 'bore him to the point of dreadful, awful tears and agony' - his words, not mine! Can you tell he's re-read books 7,8,and 9 of the Unfortunate Events series this week, loL!)