Zachary can NOT sleep in - seems virtually impossible on a Saturday/Sunday opportunity to sleep in. (However, this summer he proved he could sleep in by staying in bad several days until 10 and sometimes 12!) ANYHOO - this morning (after going to bed at around 12:30 last night!) he was up at 8:00. STRAIGHT UP 8:00! He attempted quietness (his version of quiet) and finally I got up around 8:40 to make breakfast and let the dogs up. He heard me and came downstairs to inform me (first words out of his mouth) that he'd played his DS until it was dead (see - as he did the buttons back and forth as my brain slowly comprehended what he was doing BC...before coffee)
After getting my coffee brewed, I came to my office where I heard him frantically rummaging through his room (directly above my bed). FINALLY he came downstairs after finding his charger and directly went to the dog's bed in the corner where he can lay down with his DS plugged into the wall. I just felt like today's picture needed to show what a typical Saturday is around here. Zachary, the only child up, surrounded by dogs fighting for his attention while he aptly ignores them!
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